Tag Archives: the crypt

The HipHopHeads Podcast Now Available on Youtube!

You read that title right my friends! We will uploading the podcast to youtube weekly from now on and having clip highlights for discussions. Its been a longtime coming. We’ll also be streaming to youtube live! as well. So lots of fun things coming soon. as you may know when we started the podcast over 11 years ago we were innovators. Not only were you able to download our podcast everywhere but we streamed it live on mixlr and Ustream yeah.. we’re old lol. But we’re going back to our roots and we couldn’t be happier. So please subscribe to the channel, tell the homies and wish us luck. If youre new to the site or channel, we have hundreds of live videos shot by me from all the underground greats, nobody curates like TheCrypt and HipHopHeads! Salute! Patreon coming soon as well so stay tuned if youd like to support us.



Going Back To Our Roots…

What’s good everyone, so here’s a quick update of what will be going on here. We’re going back to our roots. For the past half decade/longer I’ve focused on bringing you hiphop I enjoy and think you’d dig. This is what I’ve always done since the creation of the site but I put other site focus’s on the back burner, namely movie suggestions/reviews and gaming.

I’m going to be posting more trailers for films, reviews, and information. Most of these will be horror, Asian, or anything I deem awesome. Gaming will fall under cool new releases and old games I’m playing and collecting for. While I know these things may not appeal to all, it’s ok I hope by sharing these things I’ll put you up on to something new. If not just wait for the hiphop to drop. I’ll also be trying to feature more Boston artists, Boston hiphop history, more photos and videos and stuff that made the site standout back in the day. I’ll also doing MMA picks like in the past.

The biggest news, the podcast will return in 2019. This time it’ll be more research based and more focused instead of freestyling every week for 2 hours. I’ll be doing episodes dolo briefly, until I can get a couple new laptops as both mine are struggling hard. I’ll also be launching a Patreon for those who want to support us and the site.

Also another big piece of news our site is now mobile. It’ll work and look nice on any device so I hope this helps revive the site a little. Well folks that’s all I got. I hope this news brings you some joy. If you have any suggestions or disagree feel free to sound off in the comment section.

The HipHopHeads Podcast (Episode 99)

hiphopheads 99
The HipHopHeads Podcast Episode 97 is our famed Cinco De Mayo episode! Tune in and listen to us talk about how theres not enough good spanish hiphop.

The HipHopHeads Podcast (Episode 88)

HipHopHeads 88
www.thecryptonline.com presents The HipHopHeads podcast Episode 88! This episode Ben Nice was on fire with jokes, we talked Troy Ave again and why he’s so damn good then we put our foot in our mouths when I played the worst Troy Ave track. Peep this weeks episode now!

The HipHopHeads Podcast Episode 87

HipHopHeads 88
TheCrypt Presents The HipHopHeads Podcast Episode 87! This weeks episode was like no other! JK it’s just like the rest! We played some Lord Steppington, and we played a lot of other west coast shit as well. We also discussed people gettin beat up. Check out this amazing episode!