Rakim the God spitting his classic Paid In Full over Wu-Tangs CREAM. It’s just so right.
Rakim the God spitting his classic Paid In Full over Wu-Tangs CREAM. It’s just so right.
Rakim shows why he’s the greatest of all time.
Rakim shows why he’s the greatest of all time.
Marco Polo served the god with a disgusting beat, this is the perfect example of Rakim at his finest, impeccable lyrics over a fresh beat. Ra still has it.
Good stuff right here.
Rakims newest artwork for the 7th Seal, The Crypt was the 1st to bring you the OG cover art pictured below now we got this, which do you like better?
Rakims newest artwork for the 7th Seal, The Crypt was the 1st to bring you the OG cover art pictured below now we got this, which do you like better?
Rakims newest artwork for the 7th Seal, The Crypt was the 1st to bring you the OG cover art pictured below now we got this, which do you like better?