Tag Archives: t-shirts

My Main Man Pat: Biggie

We’re coming up on the tragic death date of the great Biggie Smalls, so My Main Man Pat has done the honor of finding some incredible designs this week! Which reminds me I forgot to get that Mr. Burns joint last time I failed :(. Check em out.

I must say I am loving the start our third year has gotten off to. We have multiple joints from the homie Ready2Rumbl up and yet it’s still not easy to say he has the dopest art on the page. I like with how high the bar has been set for the next 52…

For those of you who were following the page this time last year, you may recall that we dedicate the week of March 9th to the one and only Biggie Smalls. With this in mind I’ve been hunting artists on Instagram and am real please we landed Jim Spendlove. His “Word Up Magazine” design speaks for itself and I hope you’ll join me in welcoming him to the team.

Ready2Rumbl made me sweat a bit but came through as he always does with his “Ready2Die” joint. I love the way this man’s mind works and I think we may have our first two candidates for next years contest.

On that note, much respect to all of those who voted in our reprint contest. Although the competition was tight it is tough to argue with the eventual winner. R2R’s “If I Ruled The World” joint took the crown as last year’s finest design and will be our only reprint of the year. Also available in Hoodies this time around.

Biggie 1
Biggie 2

My Main Man Pat: Nas x Gang Starr

My Main Man Pat’s back with a couple great designs.

We are in our 99th week, and it’s only right our last one in double digits will be spent with two golden era classics on the page. We try to keep it current but this right here is the hip-hop I grew up on, and will continue to be a big part of the site in the next 100 weeks. With that said, here’s why I’m loving this week’s fresh ink…

A standing ovation goes out to the homie Alan J. Thatcher for combining two of my favorite things in life with his “Heineken Brew” joint. Illmatic + cold beer = the quickest way to my heart. The man even put a condensated finish on the label…on point as per always Alan.

On a more minimalistic tip, the two words that come to mind on Ollie Sawards “Just To Get A Rep” are eye and pleasing. Like the message of the song and the artwork it inspired, it’s amazing what people will do for just 5 simple words.

Before I dip, with next week being the big 1-0-0 you know we’re going to do something to celebrate. It will involve a giveaway of some sort to those that get the newsletter, so make sure you peep next week’s email for details.

Bump good music this week folks,

My Main Man Pat: Pimp C x Souls of Mischief

My Main Man Pat has some dope designs for us today in the form of Souls of Mischief and their classic 93 til Infinity and one of my personal faves to grace Pat’s site this beautiful Pimp C shirt showing Pimp C with angel wings gettin’ pour’d up. It’s kind of depressing design as Pimp C lost his life to an Overdose but it’s what Pimp C was into so I can’t judge.

We are in our 96th week and it’s because of you we have gotten this far. In an effort to reward those who cop our shirts on the regular, we have introduced a loyalty program to the page. Going forward, everytime you buy a shirt, 10% of your purchase will go into a bank of points which can be used as currency for future gear. You must purchase with a registered account in order to accumulate points. If you don’t have one yet, you will get 250 points upon signup, and if you do your account will be credited with that amount in the coming days. All the best in 2015 my people!

Pimp C
Souls of Mischief

My Main Man Pat: Jon Wayne x Ice Cube

My Main Man Pat is back with another nice selection of tee’s for ya this week we got Jonwayne and Ice Cube inspired shirts for ya. Last week I told ya new shirts drop at sunday/monday at 12am thats changed now it’s mon/tues at midnight. Cop the shirts @ My Main Man Pat site.
By: Juxchemist
Ice Cube
By: Tom Sparke