Tag Archives: Weathermen

EL-P Responds to Vast Aire

el-pi have never wanted to participate in any sort of public ugliness with people i once considered friends.  its negative and builds nothing.  its only purpose is to hurt.  its a shallow action.  a desperate attempt to satisfy the ugliest parts of your ego.  there is no example of me disparaging, insulting, blaming, defaming or casting doubt on anyones character who i’ve had any type of real love for and considered crew at one point no matter how things may have turned out… no matter what they may say about me or what i may think about them behind the scenes. for me, i always thought it made one look small and angry.  i always felt like that type of public ranting and vitriol reflected failure, weakness, insecurity and pettiness and i’ve seriously regretted it when i’ve been involved in anything that resembles that, even peripherally.  as good as it feels in the moment it almost always backfires.  the same person who (non artistically) desperately seeks public affirmation of his anger and resentment ends up actually hurting himself more in the eyes of the strangers he’s trying to communicate with.  by the same token, defending yourself against that type of attack plays right in to the whole thing and immediately puts you on the same level as the person attacking you.  beyond that the fact is that for me,  the relationships that i’ve had in my life that have fallen apart make me sad, not angry.  the friendships that have ended in my life are a source of huge regret for me and i constantly wonder if there was something i could have done to change the outcome. so i don’t have it in me to kick and scream and curse the world for not handing me everything i think i deserve.  i’ll do that in my music, if need be.  its better that way.  that much i have learned.
I’m also not the type of person who feels like he’s a victim of circumstance.  every choice made along the line has different results.  it seems irrational and immature to me to create a world in ones head in which somehow, magically, there is an external reason that justifies every single reality of your life… and not one of those reasons is you.  a world in which you are just in every action and innocent in every interaction.  a life in which you only consider and retain the ideas that justify your perspective and completely ignore all other realities that exist and might, if you took a moment to consider them, make any (rational) person think a little longer before they lashed out and tried to destroy some one else’s character.
it takes a special type of ego to literally delude oneself in to thinking that you have the moral right of way in every scenario.  it takes clinical insanity to think things are one way when in fact they are the opposite.  for instance:
lets say (as a metaphor, of course) someone was morbidly obese but thought he was a ninja.  that would be kind of crazy, wouldn’t it?  or if that morbidly obese person didn’t make the connection between his eating habits and his weight.  crazy.  now if that same massively, morbidly obese person walked around calling people who were less than half his weight “fat”, how should they react?  on the one hand its obviously crazy for this hugely fat man to be calling you fat.  but on the other hand he keeps fucking saying it.  over and over.  to anyone who will listen.
i’ve tried to ignore it.  i’ve tried to squash it.  i’ve tried to take the high road because i assumed that like me, everyone must have better things to occupy their time with.  apparently not.  every other day there is a new vitriolic rant aimed at dismantling me or someone i care about, despite the fact that i haven’t fired one single shot in the direction they are coming from.  not one.
now i don’t have any interest in trying to make anyone see things the way i see them or arguing about/defending the past.  i wont do the back and forth point by point defense with someone whos only path to generate any type of publicity for himself seems to be exactly that type of public argument.  a person who literally is interviewing himself in order to push a smear campaign forward.  a man who has made it his personal mission in life to focus all his energy on the very people who were close to the friend he claims to have loved with a constant barrage of misspelled and badly punctuated lies, insults, accusations, epithets, slander and threats.  someone who seemingly has no humility or perspective on his own fallibility.  someone whos anger has driven him to the edge of sanity.  whos own life is seemingly so joyless and directionless that the only thing he can think to do is reach out and try and inflict pain.
and by the way, when i say “close to the friend he claims to have loved” i mean close.  I’m talking that our lives will never be the same close.  the real deal.  the kind that comes with pain no one wants and that no one with a soul would brag about as though it were a credibility issue or as though love were something you had to prove as opposed to just feel.  not the idea constructed to make you feel good about yourself or justify your perspective in the eyes of other people or yourself.  friendship isn’t the collective little favors you’ve done for someone that you keep record of and hold against them even after they die.  its not a song you may have recorded with someone years ago and its not a conversation you may have had.  its bigger than that.
its sad to me that you, and you know who you are, don’t understand that.  its painful to sit here and take your abuse knowing the true nature of your character and how utterly easy it would be to expose it.  the temptation to publish certain correspondences you’ve been a part of is overwhelming.  i have no doubt in my mind that any one who would see those would walk away from reading them with a very different perspective on your moral fiber and your character in general.  a younger me would do it in a heartbeat.  and yet what good would come out of it?  what are we all trying to prove to each other?  it would only lead to even more ranting, more insults and more bullshit.  no one would learn a thing and i would have wasted another minute of my life.
and i don’t hate you.  i don’t want to hurt or destroy you.  you were my friend.  i wanted you to succeed.  now i just find you to be a sad character.  twisted, angry and resentful and squandering your time on mean spirited pursuits.  its depressing.
now i’m sure the person i’m writing this all about will just respond in his usual manner after reading this.  denial, anger, threats, capital letters, misused question marks and exclamation points and more accusations.  but i’ve got a suggestion for a better way to proceed… just let it go.  you’ve gotten your rocks off.  you’ve said your peace.  now make some music.  stop lecturing the world and contribute while you still have time.  none of this shit means anything.  at all.  go make the art you believe in and spend not one more second trying to take other people down or blaming people for the place you find yourself in life.  spend time with and cherish the people you love while they are still alive so you dont find yourself feeling like you have to defend the validity of your commitment to them after they’re gone.  be grateful for the things you have and wish no man harm.  be happy or die trying.  i know i will.
by the way if you truly did love Camu and were close to him then I’m sure you feel the same pain my friends and i do.  if that really is the case then I’m sure the futility of arguing and fighting with people has never been more obvious to you.  it is to me.
if you loved him then you are one of us… the heartbroken members of a club we never wanted to join… and I’m sorry for your loss.

ps:  im not going to be approving comments about this blog.  i didn’t write it to rally people against anyone or to create “sides”.

EL-P Responds to Vast Aire

el-pi have never wanted to participate in any sort of public ugliness with people i once considered friends.  its negative and builds nothing.  its only purpose is to hurt.  its a shallow action.  a desperate attempt to satisfy the ugliest parts of your ego.  there is no example of me disparaging, insulting, blaming, defaming or casting doubt on anyones character who i’ve had any type of real love for and considered crew at one point no matter how things may have turned out… no matter what they may say about me or what i may think about them behind the scenes. for me, i always thought it made one look small and angry.  i always felt like that type of public ranting and vitriol reflected failure, weakness, insecurity and pettiness and i’ve seriously regretted it when i’ve been involved in anything that resembles that, even peripherally.  as good as it feels in the moment it almost always backfires.  the same person who (non artistically) desperately seeks public affirmation of his anger and resentment ends up actually hurting himself more in the eyes of the strangers he’s trying to communicate with.  by the same token, defending yourself against that type of attack plays right in to the whole thing and immediately puts you on the same level as the person attacking you.  beyond that the fact is that for me,  the relationships that i’ve had in my life that have fallen apart make me sad, not angry.  the friendships that have ended in my life are a source of huge regret for me and i constantly wonder if there was something i could have done to change the outcome. so i don’t have it in me to kick and scream and curse the world for not handing me everything i think i deserve.  i’ll do that in my music, if need be.  its better that way.  that much i have learned.
I’m also not the type of person who feels like he’s a victim of circumstance.  every choice made along the line has different results.  it seems irrational and immature to me to create a world in ones head in which somehow, magically, there is an external reason that justifies every single reality of your life… and not one of those reasons is you.  a world in which you are just in every action and innocent in every interaction.  a life in which you only consider and retain the ideas that justify your perspective and completely ignore all other realities that exist and might, if you took a moment to consider them, make any (rational) person think a little longer before they lashed out and tried to destroy some one else’s character.
it takes a special type of ego to literally delude oneself in to thinking that you have the moral right of way in every scenario.  it takes clinical insanity to think things are one way when in fact they are the opposite.  for instance:
lets say (as a metaphor, of course) someone was morbidly obese but thought he was a ninja.  that would be kind of crazy, wouldn’t it?  or if that morbidly obese person didn’t make the connection between his eating habits and his weight.  crazy.  now if that same massively, morbidly obese person walked around calling people who were less than half his weight “fat”, how should they react?  on the one hand its obviously crazy for this hugely fat man to be calling you fat.  but on the other hand he keeps fucking saying it.  over and over.  to anyone who will listen.
i’ve tried to ignore it.  i’ve tried to squash it.  i’ve tried to take the high road because i assumed that like me, everyone must have better things to occupy their time with.  apparently not.  every other day there is a new vitriolic rant aimed at dismantling me or someone i care about, despite the fact that i haven’t fired one single shot in the direction they are coming from.  not one.
now i don’t have any interest in trying to make anyone see things the way i see them or arguing about/defending the past.  i wont do the back and forth point by point defense with someone whos only path to generate any type of publicity for himself seems to be exactly that type of public argument.  a person who literally is interviewing himself in order to push a smear campaign forward.  a man who has made it his personal mission in life to focus all his energy on the very people who were close to the friend he claims to have loved with a constant barrage of misspelled and badly punctuated lies, insults, accusations, epithets, slander and threats.  someone who seemingly has no humility or perspective on his own fallibility.  someone whos anger has driven him to the edge of sanity.  whos own life is seemingly so joyless and directionless that the only thing he can think to do is reach out and try and inflict pain.
and by the way, when i say “close to the friend he claims to have loved” i mean close.  I’m talking that our lives will never be the same close.  the real deal.  the kind that comes with pain no one wants and that no one with a soul would brag about as though it were a credibility issue or as though love were something you had to prove as opposed to just feel.  not the idea constructed to make you feel good about yourself or justify your perspective in the eyes of other people or yourself.  friendship isn’t the collective little favors you’ve done for someone that you keep record of and hold against them even after they die.  its not a song you may have recorded with someone years ago and its not a conversation you may have had.  its bigger than that.
its sad to me that you, and you know who you are, don’t understand that.  its painful to sit here and take your abuse knowing the true nature of your character and how utterly easy it would be to expose it.  the temptation to publish certain correspondences you’ve been a part of is overwhelming.  i have no doubt in my mind that any one who would see those would walk away from reading them with a very different perspective on your moral fiber and your character in general.  a younger me would do it in a heartbeat.  and yet what good would come out of it?  what are we all trying to prove to each other?  it would only lead to even more ranting, more insults and more bullshit.  no one would learn a thing and i would have wasted another minute of my life.
and i don’t hate you.  i don’t want to hurt or destroy you.  you were my friend.  i wanted you to succeed.  now i just find you to be a sad character.  twisted, angry and resentful and squandering your time on mean spirited pursuits.  its depressing.
now i’m sure the person i’m writing this all about will just respond in his usual manner after reading this.  denial, anger, threats, capital letters, misused question marks and exclamation points and more accusations.  but i’ve got a suggestion for a better way to proceed… just let it go.  you’ve gotten your rocks off.  you’ve said your peace.  now make some music.  stop lecturing the world and contribute while you still have time.  none of this shit means anything.  at all.  go make the art you believe in and spend not one more second trying to take other people down or blaming people for the place you find yourself in life.  spend time with and cherish the people you love while they are still alive so you dont find yourself feeling like you have to defend the validity of your commitment to them after they’re gone.  be grateful for the things you have and wish no man harm.  be happy or die trying.  i know i will.
by the way if you truly did love Camu and were close to him then I’m sure you feel the same pain my friends and i do.  if that really is the case then I’m sure the futility of arguing and fighting with people has never been more obvious to you.  it is to me.
if you loved him then you are one of us… the heartbroken members of a club we never wanted to join… and I’m sorry for your loss.

ps:  im not going to be approving comments about this blog.  i didn’t write it to rally people against anyone or to create “sides”.

Del and Tame-One = Parallel Uni-versus


Two of Hip-Hop’s Most Respected Lyricists Together For the First Time

“We’re gonna get you, cause you’re faking and our funk’s official”
-Del, “Gaining Ground”

It ain’t that competition is missing… it’s just that no one’s kicking it clever”
– Tame One, “We Taking Over”

Remember the old-school Marvel Team-Up comic book which paired, say, Spider-Man with Thor, Wolverine with the Human Torch, or the Hulk and Daredevil? In the spirit of those classic collaborations, Gold Dust announces Parallel Uni-Verses, a joint effort between Hieroglyphics founder Del The Funky Homosapien and original Artifacts emcee Tame One. Produced entirely by Parallel Thought, the album’s ten tracks return to a time when inventiveness, creativity, funky beats—and, above all, lyricism—ruled hip-hop.

Oakland’s Del The Funky Homosapien is one of the creators of the alternative rap genre, a perennial fan favorite who, in addition to releasing four solo albums—including 1992’s seminal, gold-selling I Wish My Brother George Was Here–and two group albums with Hieroglyphics, was featured on the Gorillaz’ epononymous, platinum-selling debut and Dan the Automator’s sci-fi-themed concept album Deltron 3030.

Newark’s Tame One is best known as one-half of the Artifacts, a graffiti-writing hip-hop duo active in the mid- and late-90s, whose output includes the classic singles “Wrong Side of Da Tracks” and “The Ultimate.” In recent years, Tame has been a member of two underground supergroups: the Weatherman (with Cage, Camu Tao, and Aesop Rock); and the Leak Brothers (with Cage).

del“I’ve known Tame for years,” Del says. “I always thought he was one of the dopest [MCs] out.” Del recalls first linking with Tame around 1993. “We both were kinda like party animals so that’s kinda how I got to liking his personality. He has a good sense of humor, so that’s probably the main reason I liked to be around him. We somewhat kept in touch throughout the years, back and forth, but I always would follow his career.”

“We just always remained cool,” Tame says of Del, adding, “I have ALWAYS been impressed by his wordplay and originality. Rap-wise, neither of us use words only because they rhyme; I believe we both utilize substance as opposed to nonsense.”

This project came about, Tame says, out of a need to “showcase how things used to be done, without the politics of the day, bling-bling aspirations, greed and egos corrupting the hip-hop art form.” An unselfish creative process governed the recording process, with both emcees and the Parallel Thought production team focused on using the best of today’s technology, while still keeping an old-school formula. “It was done very James Brownish, if you can dig that,” Del says. “James did everything by feel. If it felt right, then that’s what it was, and Tame is very much like that.”

For Tame, the entire album is a testament to what he calls a “grassroots” hip-hop aesthetic, which stands out over other contemporary rap releases “because of the sonic quality and clarity of the samples and our vocal performances.” Asked to name his favorite tracks on the album, Del says, “man, you asking the wrong person. I don’t play favorites. I like each joint for different reasons and they all have they place. I’ll let the public decide which ones they may favor, smell me?”

Parallel Uni-Verses is that rare rap album which transcends tired clichés and maintains traditional hip-hop values without seeming retro or passé. “Man, I ain’t even gonna be egotistical like that and try to say that we are trying to usher in some new revival of whatever,” Del says. However, he adds, “I’m a say this: we ARE the element that is missing, not [just] because I said so. That’s what’s up; we didn’t sell out for all the luxury and monetary gains. The original ways, we kept at and built upon those.”

Proving that true lyricism is alive and well, Parallel Uni-Verses is another feather in the cap for Del and Tame, two prolific and highly-respected artists upholding the hip-hop art form at its best—and holding their own in 2009.

For More Information, Check Out:

Del and Tame-One = Parallel Uni-versus


Two of Hip-Hop’s Most Respected Lyricists Together For the First Time

“We’re gonna get you, cause you’re faking and our funk’s official”
-Del, “Gaining Ground”

It ain’t that competition is missing… it’s just that no one’s kicking it clever”
– Tame One, “We Taking Over”

Remember the old-school Marvel Team-Up comic book which paired, say, Spider-Man with Thor, Wolverine with the Human Torch, or the Hulk and Daredevil? In the spirit of those classic collaborations, Gold Dust announces Parallel Uni-Verses, a joint effort between Hieroglyphics founder Del The Funky Homosapien and original Artifacts emcee Tame One. Produced entirely by Parallel Thought, the album’s ten tracks return to a time when inventiveness, creativity, funky beats—and, above all, lyricism—ruled hip-hop.

Oakland’s Del The Funky Homosapien is one of the creators of the alternative rap genre, a perennial fan favorite who, in addition to releasing four solo albums—including 1992’s seminal, gold-selling I Wish My Brother George Was Here–and two group albums with Hieroglyphics, was featured on the Gorillaz’ epononymous, platinum-selling debut and Dan the Automator’s sci-fi-themed concept album Deltron 3030.

Newark’s Tame One is best known as one-half of the Artifacts, a graffiti-writing hip-hop duo active in the mid- and late-90s, whose output includes the classic singles “Wrong Side of Da Tracks” and “The Ultimate.” In recent years, Tame has been a member of two underground supergroups: the Weatherman (with Cage, Camu Tao, and Aesop Rock); and the Leak Brothers (with Cage).

del“I’ve known Tame for years,” Del says. “I always thought he was one of the dopest [MCs] out.” Del recalls first linking with Tame around 1993. “We both were kinda like party animals so that’s kinda how I got to liking his personality. He has a good sense of humor, so that’s probably the main reason I liked to be around him. We somewhat kept in touch throughout the years, back and forth, but I always would follow his career.”

“We just always remained cool,” Tame says of Del, adding, “I have ALWAYS been impressed by his wordplay and originality. Rap-wise, neither of us use words only because they rhyme; I believe we both utilize substance as opposed to nonsense.”

This project came about, Tame says, out of a need to “showcase how things used to be done, without the politics of the day, bling-bling aspirations, greed and egos corrupting the hip-hop art form.” An unselfish creative process governed the recording process, with both emcees and the Parallel Thought production team focused on using the best of today’s technology, while still keeping an old-school formula. “It was done very James Brownish, if you can dig that,” Del says. “James did everything by feel. If it felt right, then that’s what it was, and Tame is very much like that.”

For Tame, the entire album is a testament to what he calls a “grassroots” hip-hop aesthetic, which stands out over other contemporary rap releases “because of the sonic quality and clarity of the samples and our vocal performances.” Asked to name his favorite tracks on the album, Del says, “man, you asking the wrong person. I don’t play favorites. I like each joint for different reasons and they all have they place. I’ll let the public decide which ones they may favor, smell me?”

Parallel Uni-Verses is that rare rap album which transcends tired clichés and maintains traditional hip-hop values without seeming retro or passé. “Man, I ain’t even gonna be egotistical like that and try to say that we are trying to usher in some new revival of whatever,” Del says. However, he adds, “I’m a say this: we ARE the element that is missing, not [just] because I said so. That’s what’s up; we didn’t sell out for all the luxury and monetary gains. The original ways, we kept at and built upon those.”

Proving that true lyricism is alive and well, Parallel Uni-Verses is another feather in the cap for Del and Tame, two prolific and highly-respected artists upholding the hip-hop art form at its best—and holding their own in 2009.

For More Information, Check Out:

Del and Tame-One = Parallel Uni-versus


Two of Hip-Hop’s Most Respected Lyricists Together For the First Time

“We’re gonna get you, cause you’re faking and our funk’s official”
-Del, “Gaining Ground”

It ain’t that competition is missing… it’s just that no one’s kicking it clever”
– Tame One, “We Taking Over”

Remember the old-school Marvel Team-Up comic book which paired, say, Spider-Man with Thor, Wolverine with the Human Torch, or the Hulk and Daredevil? In the spirit of those classic collaborations, Gold Dust announces Parallel Uni-Verses, a joint effort between Hieroglyphics founder Del The Funky Homosapien and original Artifacts emcee Tame One. Produced entirely by Parallel Thought, the album’s ten tracks return to a time when inventiveness, creativity, funky beats—and, above all, lyricism—ruled hip-hop.

Oakland’s Del The Funky Homosapien is one of the creators of the alternative rap genre, a perennial fan favorite who, in addition to releasing four solo albums—including 1992’s seminal, gold-selling I Wish My Brother George Was Here–and two group albums with Hieroglyphics, was featured on the Gorillaz’ epononymous, platinum-selling debut and Dan the Automator’s sci-fi-themed concept album Deltron 3030.

Newark’s Tame One is best known as one-half of the Artifacts, a graffiti-writing hip-hop duo active in the mid- and late-90s, whose output includes the classic singles “Wrong Side of Da Tracks” and “The Ultimate.” In recent years, Tame has been a member of two underground supergroups: the Weatherman (with Cage, Camu Tao, and Aesop Rock); and the Leak Brothers (with Cage).

del“I’ve known Tame for years,” Del says. “I always thought he was one of the dopest [MCs] out.” Del recalls first linking with Tame around 1993. “We both were kinda like party animals so that’s kinda how I got to liking his personality. He has a good sense of humor, so that’s probably the main reason I liked to be around him. We somewhat kept in touch throughout the years, back and forth, but I always would follow his career.”

“We just always remained cool,” Tame says of Del, adding, “I have ALWAYS been impressed by his wordplay and originality. Rap-wise, neither of us use words only because they rhyme; I believe we both utilize substance as opposed to nonsense.”

This project came about, Tame says, out of a need to “showcase how things used to be done, without the politics of the day, bling-bling aspirations, greed and egos corrupting the hip-hop art form.” An unselfish creative process governed the recording process, with both emcees and the Parallel Thought production team focused on using the best of today’s technology, while still keeping an old-school formula. “It was done very James Brownish, if you can dig that,” Del says. “James did everything by feel. If it felt right, then that’s what it was, and Tame is very much like that.”

For Tame, the entire album is a testament to what he calls a “grassroots” hip-hop aesthetic, which stands out over other contemporary rap releases “because of the sonic quality and clarity of the samples and our vocal performances.” Asked to name his favorite tracks on the album, Del says, “man, you asking the wrong person. I don’t play favorites. I like each joint for different reasons and they all have they place. I’ll let the public decide which ones they may favor, smell me?”

Parallel Uni-Verses is that rare rap album which transcends tired clichés and maintains traditional hip-hop values without seeming retro or passé. “Man, I ain’t even gonna be egotistical like that and try to say that we are trying to usher in some new revival of whatever,” Del says. However, he adds, “I’m a say this: we ARE the element that is missing, not [just] because I said so. That’s what’s up; we didn’t sell out for all the luxury and monetary gains. The original ways, we kept at and built upon those.”

Proving that true lyricism is alive and well, Parallel Uni-Verses is another feather in the cap for Del and Tame, two prolific and highly-respected artists upholding the hip-hop art form at its best—and holding their own in 2009.

For More Information, Check Out:

Tame-One – Freedom of Speech


Tame-One with an unreleased joint called Freedom of Speech produced by Custodian of Records, real nice track Tame is on his A game.

DOWNLOAD: Tame-One – Freedom of Speech


Tame-One – Freedom of Speech


Tame-One with an unreleased joint called Freedom of Speech produced by Custodian of Records, real nice track Tame is on his A game.

DOWNLOAD: Tame-One – Freedom of Speech


Tame-One – Freedom of Speech


Tame-One with an unreleased joint called Freedom of Speech produced by Custodian of Records, real nice track Tame is on his A game.

DOWNLOAD: Tame-One – Freedom of Speech


DJ Spinna ft Breeze Brewin and J-Treds – Making Your Way In The World

sonic smash

My god this track is fire! this is off DJ Spinna’s new album called Sonic Smash. DJ Spinna is incredible, and this track proves it. The beat is that straight underground raw shit, from the Japanese twang sample to that filthy bass, oh and the MC collab on this is like 98′ all over again minus the bad tape dub. Breeze’s verse is just stunning id quote some of it but i’ll let Breeze do it… fuck it… “the net worth is networking run around sucking the sound of the next person, yall is on ya grind singing how cuz does it till u gobbling his shine I label them buzz buzzards.” It’s great to see J-Treds back as well I just wish he wasnt so mysterious and put out more than 2 tracks every 5 years.

DOWNLOADS: DJ Spinna ft Breeze Brewin and J-Treds – Making Your Way In The World


DJ Spinna ft Breeze Brewin and J-Treds – Making Your Way In The World

sonic smash

My god this track is fire! this is off DJ Spinna’s new album called Sonic Smash. DJ Spinna is incredible, and this track proves it. The beat is that straight underground raw shit, from the Japanese twang sample to that filthy bass, oh and the MC collab on this is like 98′ all over again minus the bad tape dub. Breeze’s verse is just stunning id quote some of it but i’ll let Breeze do it… fuck it… “the net worth is networking run around sucking the sound of the next person, yall is on ya grind singing how cuz does it till u gobbling his shine I label them buzz buzzards.” It’s great to see J-Treds back as well I just wish he wasnt so mysterious and put out more than 2 tracks every 5 years.

DOWNLOADS: DJ Spinna ft Breeze Brewin and J-Treds – Making Your Way In The World
