Tag Archives: Trailer

Godzilla (trailer)

Godzilla is back! I gotta say the teaser looks astounding. Love how they matched the greens specifically the eyes of the soldier and the red was a very nice touch. They showed you Godzilla, and even though he looks like a drooling hunchback, when he lets out the elephant scream it gives a fan like me goosebumps. Looks like a major step from the Matthew Broderick debacle.

Total Recall (trailer)

This was one of my fav movies growing up, it had everything a person could want, action, adventure, great storytelling, arnie, klato, and the amazing 3 boobie woman. I have very low hopes for this film, Colin Farrell can bring down a movie faster than Gooses jet, the guy just sucks, although In Bruges was great. Mark my words, Colin will fudge this flick.