MegaRan is a new father which I learned a couple months back when he visited Boston. In his new journey of becoming a father like many of us get exposed to children’s music. Some of it quite good (Okee Dokee Brothers) some of it hurrendous (my opinion not MegaRan’s). This has inspired MegaRan to produce a children’s hiphop album. I’m very excited for it as I’ve already shown my son MegaRan and this could be up his alley especially with Ran’s creativeness. I backed the vinyl of this project but they’re many more affordable tiers as well, among a ton of sweet bonus’s like MegaRan’s own Lego!
The project started today and it’s already a third of the way to its goal! Help MegaRan quickly get this to the finish line! Also for the parents MegaRan informed me he’ll be doing an all ages show for this album so stay tuned for that, my son and u will def be going! To support and find out more details click the link below!