Tag Archives: Cypress Hill

The HipHopHeads Podcast: Episode 44 (DJ Muggs)

The HipHopHeads Podcast
Episode 44: DJ Muggs
In this episode we review Lil Yachtys Pizza can Lil Yachty make a good frozen pie or will it miss the mark!?

We also discuss some new music from King Author, 38 Spesh, among others. We discussed our excitement for the Rome Streetz show happening in Boston this week. Our main topic we go into the incredible career of DJ Muggs and how prolific hes been through his 30+ years in the game. From Cypress Hill to Soul Assassins and most recently becoming one of the hardest working producers in the underground scene his influence is undeniable. If youre a fan of Muggs or unfamiliar with his body of work you’ll love this episode.


The HipHopHeads Podcast: Episode 21 (Remembering Ruck, Sean Price Forever)

www.thecryptonline.com Presents The HipHopHeads Podcast Episode 21 Remembering Ruck, Sean Price Forever!
In this episode Bonafide and Vega briefly talk about Attack On Titan, We check out some stuff off the new Cypress Hill album, We check out the new song from Pfife Dawg from his upcoming album Forever. Bonafide discovers Cool Calm Pete so I show him some Babbeltron. We remember the Bad Guy Razor Ramon aka Scott Hall of The Outsiders. The meat and Potatoes of this audio adventure, we remember Sean Price, we share our favorite songs and albums and memories. Don’t miss this episode!